Every human is one part of a larger,
eternal design – individual gears
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in a clock that has no end.
Your actions hold the power to shape the future of the entire world. Though you may not comprehend your purpose fully, your role is as significant as that of the greatest rulers in history. Some may feel powerless due to temporary lack of wealth or influence, but just as a clockmaker values every gear in a timepiece, every individual contributes to the functioning of our universe. Your absence would disrupt the natural order, even if you underestimate your importance.
The world existed before you and will persist after you, but it will be altered by the decisions you make. Each generation inherits the world shaped by its predecessors, much like a king inherits his father's crown. Your pursuit of wisdom and goodness could lay the groundwork for future generations' success, influencing destinies beyond your comprehension. Though you may never fully grasp the impact of your actions, the results of your dedication to humanity remain yours to claim.
As you ascend the great Pyramid in search of the Light at its pinnacle, you'll realize your integral role in the universe's intricate mechanism. While individual members may fade into history, the Illuminati will endure indefinitely.